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Morocco makes history, advances at Women’s World Cup

The Atlas Lionesses are the first team from the Arab World to play in the soccer tournament.
COLIN MURTY/AFP via Getty Images

Morocco defeated Colombia on Thursday, advancing to the round of 16 for the first time at a FIFA Women’s World Cup.

Morocco beat Colombia 1-0 while Germany and South Korea tied 1-1, allowing Morocco to advance out of Group H into the next round.

Germany crushed Morocco 6-0 in the Atlas Lionesses’ first match, but the squad bounced back to defeat South Korea 1-0 in the next one. The latter was Morocco’s first-ever victory at the quadrennial soccer tournament. 

Morocco will next face France on Aug. 8.

Why it matters: Morocco is the first team from an Arabic-speaking country to qualify for the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Soccer has traditionally been dominated by men in North Africa and the Middle East, but women are playing the sport more and more. A deep World Cup run could boost the future of women’s soccer in the region.

Know more: The Moroccan men’s soccer team also made a deep run at the World Cup in Qatar last year, ultimately losing to France in the semifinals.

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